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Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Bookmobile of DOOM (Mage: The Ascension)

The BookMobile Of DOOM

This Rolling informational arsenal was bought and paid for by Constanzi Ruiz (otherwise known as Arcangel) and given as a gift to Grandmaster Z. It has proven invaluable as a means of transportation for a large amount of gear and Mages to and from places.

The B-Mobile has had a new engine and suspension system put in and has been treated with Doppler poly-mimetic paint and a built-in E.C.M. package. This combined with the very powerful Somebody Else's Problem Field erected around the van make misplacing the van a very real possibility and there is often the problem of people cutting the van off because they can't see it. The van is painted a uniform brown but may assume two other solid colors, Dark blue or black. The license plate is actually a very cunning liquid crystal display that can be changed at the drop of a hat. There is a large box on the roof of the B-Mobile that looks like the housing for an air conditioner but is actually a hiding place for the antenna arrays. The Van has recently been bulletproofed and will stop all small arms fire. At present, it has no other magickal properties.
The Bookmobile of Doom functions as a level 2 sanctum. It offers -1 to any technomagickal Magick performed within and gives an additional 2 dots of arcane to anyone within.
Because of the nature of the parsimony of its owner...Some would say skinflintiness... Most of the Gear in the back of the van is old or secondhand.Most of it works though...

The Van Contains:
*A mini refrigerator.(often containing Pepsi and cold kit-kats)
*A file cabinet that has been welded to the floor directly behind the driver's seat that reaches nearly to the ceiling.The cabinet contains several different types of official looking stationary, Ho-Ho's, toner cartridges, computer magazines, assorted computer consumables, cables, adapters, remote gear, telephone lineman's gear, a small rack for firearms(usually empty) envelopes, stamps, mailing labels,

Directly behind the file cabinet on the left side is the workstation which is a cannibalized work desk that has been bolted, welded and liquid nailed into place where appropriate. the open space on the desk is a hot-docking station for a trinary computer. the rest of the open space on the worktable is filled with guts of computers that occasionally spill onto the floor. The workstation has a very sophisticated tele/radio communications suite as well as input devices for nearly every kind of media.(Jaz, Zip, Cd, Cd-R,  and Midi interface.) there are also three separate monitors( the one on the left has screwed up color) the seat for this workstation is on a metal armature that folds out from the wall. It has a pillow as it is not terribly comfortable to sit for long periods of time.

The right side wall has been thoughtfully provided with a bar with handles for standing passengers and one jump seat directly behind each of the right side doors. there are two printers and a laminator machine bolted to the wall at chest height.

The back of the van has an emergency exit which is mostly blocked by other mathoms including:
  • A footstool.
  • Two very large Plano toolboxes(one for automotive tools and another for electrical tools.)
  • A cardboard box filled with toilet paper rolls and some completely nutritious but absolutely vile breakfast bars.
  • A stolen pay phone,(kind of a sentimental thing.) More computer magazines.
  • 6 cans of black spray paint.
  • A foldable camp bed that just barely fits in the aisle.
  • An extremely compact suitcase with a change of clothes and some basic toiletries
  • A spare tire wrapped in a garbage bag which serves as an additional seat.
  • an oxyacetylene torch and striker.
  • and a cannibalized SNES game system in a small box marked "Farm Tools"

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