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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

An Introductory Post


Over the course of the last couple of years, I have been working on various different projects for various different things. As I go along, I sometimes create something, think that I should make it into a blog all by itself, and then discover that don't have time to do it properly, the idea doesn't exactly have legs, or that the idea turns out to be fairly stand-alone.

Eh. It happens.

Also, I occasionally come up with things and don't have a specific blog to put them into, and then they languish. Unseen, Unloved. Like a lone mission bell tolling in the distance...

OK. That got a bit weird. The Whole point of "The Slushpile" is to find a home for all that stuff and not worry so damn much about it.

Those of you who have an interest in the "The Clandestine Blog" will find all of that material folded in here. (Mainly because I only get a good idea for it about once every blue moon.)

Additionally, I'll have stuff that I write for various games that are simply too good to keep stowed possibly even for games other than WoD/CoD. This might even become an outlet for bits of poetry and short fiction.  (Although I am thankful, that the pills they gave curtail much of that madness.)

-Pete Sears
Lexington, Ky.
April, 2017

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